Layout Table Reports


Learn how to create and use Layout Table Reports.

Layout Table Reports

Alpha Anywhere now has two styles of reports, the traditional free form banded report, and a new layout table banded report. For web use, most people will want to use the new layout table report with HTML output.

Editing a Layout Table Report

Editing a Layout Table Report is somewhat different from editing a Free Form Report, although many operations, such as adding a field to the report, are the same for the two types of report. For general information about Free Form reports, see Report Topics. When editing a Layout Table Report, however, you must think in terms of rows and columns and regions, as though you were working in a spreadsheet or HTML table — which, in fact, may be your ultimate targets for the report.

Reports - Layout Table Reports - Absolute Layout

Layout Table Reports now support absolute positioning of fields. This feature is similar to the absolute positioning of controls in a UX component using an AbsoluteLayout container.

Reports - Layout Table Reports - Creating Custom Style Sheets

It is easy to create custom style sheets for Layout Table Reports.

Reports - Layout Table Reports - Project Reports - Text Dictionary

You can now insert text dictionary tags in Layout Table reports defined at the Project level. Workspace reports do not support Text Dictioanries.

Layout Table Report Example: Customer List

In this example we will create a layout table report in the AlphaSports database that lists customers by state. It is loosely modeled on the Customer List Free Form report sample supplied in the AlphaSports database.

Creating Custom Stylesheets in Layout Table Reports

Custom stylesheets can be created for Layout Table Reports.

Using a Layout Table Report

Previewing, printing, saving, and E-mailing the report and embedding a layout table report as Xbasic and HTML in an A5W page.